2024 Show results
Cardigan Show
Judge - Eirian Jones
Tania Evans ewe lamb Champion
Alun Davies, Reserve Champion
Cilycwm Show
Judge - Sion Jeffreys
Champion: Zahvia Paewai-Jones
Zahvia also had 3rd with Missy the balwen out of very strong young handlers class of 13
Sioe Llangynidir
Judge - Carys Evans
1st Ram lamb
1st team of three
Rhyddwen Flock
Sioe Llandyfaelog
Judge - Geraint Jones
Champion Balwen
Rhyddwen Flock
Cardigan Show Young Handlers
1st Llion Evans.
Cwrt y Cadno Show
Judge - Gary Williams
Huw & Mair Glynglas - Champion and Reserve overall coloured champion
Llandeilo show
Judge: Hanna Balwens Marli
Champion: Zahvia Paewai-Jones
Reserve: Lynn Williams
Sioe Llanfynydd Show
Champion & Reserve to Huw and Mair Williams Glynglas
Gwynfe Show
Judge D P Jones
Champion Zahvia Paewai-Jones..
Sioe Llangadog
Judge - Ifor Jones
Champion - Carys Morgan
Reserve - Huw & Mair Williams
=Ram: Huw & Mair Williams
Ram Lamb: Teulu Downes
Ewe: Carys Morgan
Ewe Lamb: DRL Williams
Group of 3: Zavhia Paewai-Jones
Sioe Sir Fôn
Felinfach Show
Ram breed champion & hill champion and reserve supreme champion - Steve Newman
Chepstow Show
Ram was breed champion,
trophy was Supreme Interbreed points champion
Ebbw Flock
RWAS Ram Lamb Winner
Amy Harries' winning Ram Lamb
Llanilar Show
Judge- Owain Lewis
Champion and reserve - Cairys Flock
RWAS Champion
Huw and Mair Williams
With their Champion Ram
RWAS Reserve Champion
Lynn winning Reserve Champion with his ewe lamb
Smallholders show
Champion: Zahvia’s Aged Ewe
Reserve Champion: Balwens Marli aged ram
Lampeter Show
Judge - Martin Groucott
Champion: Zavhia Paewai-Jones
Reserve Champion: Tania Evans & Family
Group of Three: Zavhia Paewai-Jones
RWAS Young Handlers 3-7 yrs
Dosbarth 3-7oed | Class 3-7yrs
RWAS Young Handlers 13-16 yrs
Dosbarth 13-16oed | Class 13-16yrs
1. Beca
2. Cai
3. Ianto
Beca went on to Win overall Champion
Caerwys Show 2024
Caerwys Show 2024
Reserve Male Champion -
Balwens Marli
RWAS Young Handlers 8-12 yrs
Dosbarth 8-12oed | Class 8-12yrs
1. Osian Evans
2. Magi
3. Rhory
4. Sion
5. Dewi
6. Osian
7. Carry
Three Counties Show
Any other hill and heath classes: Holthall Casanova 4th shearling ram and qualifier for the RBST Championship.
Holthall Del-boy 4th ram lamb
Holthall Casanova and Holthall Miri 4th pairs
Casanova,Miri and Del-boy 3rd group of 3
Huge classes all round!!