The Balwen sheep should have a base color of black, brown, or dark grey and have a white blaze on the face, four distinct white feet and a half to two-thirds of its tail should be white.
All Balwen should be of a good Welsh Mountain conformation and their size should be an accurate reflection of their age.
The base color should preferably be black, but dark brown or grey is acceptable.
An unbroken white blaze should run from the poll of the head to the nose and the lower two-thirds of the tail should be white.
A small quantity of white is acceptable on the lower jaw but must not extend below the top edge of the breastbone.
Males must have black noses and no white is allowed in or on the ears. Males must have four clearly defined white socks which must not extend above the hock or the knee.

The base color should preferably be black, but dark brown or grey is acceptable.
An unbroken white blaze should run from the poll of the head to the nose and the lower two-thirds of the tail should be white.
A small quantity of white is acceptable on the lower jaw but must not extend below the top edge of the breastbone.
Females should ideally have four white socks. (To be fully registered females must have at least two clearly defined white socks.) Some black socks are currently acceptable within the white socks. Females should have black noses.